26 June 2018

WELCOME TO "Free tours in Italy" ..!
I created this blog to sharing my beautiful town Monselice, just south of Padua.
Planning to north-east Italy..? The average tourist doesn't know much about north-east Italy. It's surprising to find out what kind of scenary, history, and attractions there are to find here.
Veneto region abounds in a number of fascinating places, as Monselice, a little known gem.
Monselice has an enchanting historical centre which develops around the scopes of the Citadel Hill. The defensive function and the setting out of the citadel (Rocca) date back to the Roman times, and was later enlarged and completed by the Langobards in the fifth century.
Discover this medieval walled town with my free guided tour, and practice italian language for free.
You can trust my recommandation as I'm a truely 100% Italy reside.
Fascinating Monselice, gem of the Veneto region.
The beautiful walk from Piazza Mazzini (with medieval tower) to the top of the hill reveals the most important historical events of the town through its main monuments.
The first stop is at the St.Paul's church (now museum), which keeps an early medieval crypt with 13th century frescoes.
Palazzo della Loggetta: Graceful corner that welcomes the tourist to the visit of the town and the evocative ruins of the Rocca. A 15th century building, to which the upper storey and an elegant arched loggia were added in the 17th century, it now houses the Tourist Office.

Taking the Via del Santuario you reach the Castle, a fortress dating from the late Middle Ages, re-built by Ezzelino da Romano in the 13th century, enlarged by the Da Carrara family and transformed into a residence by the Marcello Venetian noble family. In 1942 it was made a museum by Count Vittorio Cini who added a rich collection of arms and furniture.

As you continue climbing the hill after visiting the castle, you come upon Villa Nani-Mocenigo, a sumptuous building from the late Renaissance period. It has a dramatic outdoor staircase with statues, which connects the various terraced levels of the lawn around the mansion. The church of Santa Giustina is located a little further on.

Just beyond is the old Pieve di Santa Giustina, also known as the old cathedral, with its late-Romanesque architecture and gothic decorative elements. It was consecrated in 1256 and houses a number of important works of art, including a 15th-century polyptych of the Venetian school.

Pass through the doorway of the "count's lions" to reach the wide panorama of the Rotonda.

The Porta Romana (Roman or Holy Door), erected in 1651, marks the entry to the sanctified area of the Santuario Giubilare delle Sette Chiese (Jubilee Sanctuary of the Seven Churches), designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi on commission from the Duodo Venetian noble family who were ambassadors from the Serenissima Republic to the Holy See.
A 1605 papal bull of Paul V grants the Sanctuary the same indulgences given the faithful during pilgrimages to the seven major basilicas in Rome. Monselice is the only example of this particular form of Roman devotion as is also noted in the inscription on the Holy Door: Romanis basilicis pares.

At the top of the route is the elegant group of buildings making up Villa Duodo. To the right is the oldest structure dating from the early 1600s, designed by Vincenzo Scamozzi, while the front wing with its bas relief was added by Andrea Tirali in 1740. To the left is the spectacular Exedra dedicated to St Francis de Sales, the Spanish Jesuit missionary who stayed in Monselice in 1537 on the eve of departure on his long trip to the Far East.
On the right next to the villa is the oratory of San Giorgio, frescoed by Tommaso Sandrini and adorned with a remarkable altar-piece with inlaid marble and semi-precious stones from the Corberelli workshop. The transfer of Christian martyrs from the catacombs in Rome starting in 1651 enhanced the holiness of the oratory.
Returning to the "old cathedral" and descending along Vicolo Scalone, you reach the chiesa di San Martino (St Martin's church), the center of this neighborhood of the same name. It was built in the 1700s on the original church dating from the 10th century.
Continuing along Via Garibaldi, you reach the Convento di San Giacomo (St James Monastery), built in 1162 as a hospital for the poor and pilgrims, later transformed into a Benedictine monastery and, starting in 1677, home of a community of the Franciscan Order of Little Brothers. It houses a small but interesting missionary museum with exhibits taken from missions in the Far East. The church (below) has an excellent cycle of works by Flemish painter Michele Desubleo as well as works by Jacopo Palma the Younger and Gianbattista Maganza.
Villas along the Bisatto Canal.
Starting in the 16th century, along major river tributaries between Venice and its inland territory, the Venetian noble families built sumptuous country homes. Dating from this period are also the Monselice villas along the Bisatto canal that flows from Padua to Este, passing through Monselice. Near the Grola bridge is the Villa Contarini with its expansive 18th century façade, typical of the Venetian architectural style.

Taking the left bank of the canal north, you reach Villa Pisani (16th century) in Palladian style.
Also on the left of the canal, but much further north at Rivella is Villa Emo that recalls the best of Palladian architecture, especially in its imposing front pillars and geometric layout of its extensive Italian-style garden. It was designed and built in 1588 by Vincenzo Scamozzi.
Cycling for change ..!
It's a very good way to meet people, and talk with people. It's also very convenient. We should strive to minimize environmental pollution. Take bikes or walk whenever possible, for a better world. Experience Euganean Hills, at south-west of Padua, on a bicycle fun and free tours. Veneto region is a great area for hiking enthusiasts. Planning to Italy..? I would like to help you, so please feel free to contact me (Roberto): roberto88264@yahoo.it
Major events at Monselice (Pd).
All over the year: A lively market is held every monday in the town's main street.

On February 2026: Venetian Carnival with spectacular flight of the Colombina, masquerade ball, performers along the streets, games, masks and makeup for kids. Free entrance.   www.monseliceturismo.it

On March 2026: The parade of Carnival floats will start at 3pm.

On April 2025: Colori e Sapori di Primavera. Festa che celebra la primavera e i prodotti del territorio.

On 14 April - 9 June 2019: Art exhibition "Diorami della Vita di Gesù" in Cappella della Cripta del Duomo di Monselice (entrata dal cortile del Patronato), with free entrance. L'autore, Francesco Bonvissuto, ha realizzato 28 diorami raffiguranti ognuno un episodio della Vita di Gesù: dall'Annunciazione alla Pentecoste, rappresentando in particolar modo tutta la Passione di Nostro Signore. Un percorso storico-religioso sulla Vita di Cristo. Opera unica nel suo genere in Italia, già esposta negli anni in siti importanti (Assisi, Gela, Padova, etc). Per nuove esposizioni in altre date contattare: Associazione Culturale "Raffigurazioni Sacre ETS", 35010 Borgoricco (Pd). Telefono cell. 348 912 2214. www.raffigurazionisacre.eu

On May 2025: Rocca in Fiore (Citadel in Bloom). Major exhibition and fair of professional flower-arrangers and floral arrangements. Free guided tours.
On 2025: ETNOFILMfest (in Padova, free entrance).
About new editions of ETNOFILMfest please consider the link above, and Libreria Mazehual (Antropologia, Cinema, Teatro) in Padova (Via Beato Pellegrino 37).

On June-July 2025: Monselice Jazz Festival al Parco Buzzaccarini (cinque serate di musica jazz con gruppi musicali di rilevanza nazionale). Info e prenotazioni telefono cell. 345 877 9091 www.parcobuzzaccarini.it

On June 2025: Marco e Pippo Show. Ore 21.30 La Notte Rossa, in Piazza Mazzini, con ingresso libero e gratuito, a cura della Sede Sociale AVIS di Monselice. www.marcoepippo.com

On June 2025: Concerto dei Solisti Estensi, presso il Cortiletto Veneziano del Castello (in programma brani musicali tratti dalle colonne sonore più famose). Nuova edizione di "Appuntamenti in Corte" su iniziativa della Banca Adria Colli Euganei, ore 21.00 (entrata libera, free entrance).

On June 2025: Concerto Live in Piazza Mazzini, ore 21.00 (Disco Music '70-'80 by Discovery Band). Ingresso libero e gratuito, free entrance. www.discoveryliveband.it

On September 2025: Euganea Film Festival (free entrance).
Below, a special meeting with Odense International Film Festival (Denmark), during the Euganea Film Festival, at Villa Pisani, on June 2018:
On August 2025: Street Food & Music. In Piazza Mazzini dalle ore 20.00 (free event).

On September 2025: Historical Reenactment of medieval times. In the morning spectacular parade with over a thousand people in costume through the streets. In the afternoon at the Park Buzzaccarini Quintana race. Started in recent years, the "Palio di Monselice" tournament has become a primary attraction.

On September 2025: Mostra delle opere che hanno partecipato al Concorso Nazionale di Pittura Premio Città di Monselice 2020, presso Villa Ca' Emo, in Via Santo Stefano Superiore.

On September 2025: Concerto Lirico Sinfonico, Banda Città di Monselice, ore 17.30 presso Antica Pieve di S.Giustina (Duomo Vecchio), con ingresso libero (free entrance).

On October 2025: Street Food and Music con Discovery Band, dalle ore 20.30 in Piazza Mazzini. Funky Disco Music '70 '80. Live Music is Real Music. Free entrance.

On October 2025: Colori e Sapori d'Autunno. Enogastronomia, Mercatini Artigianato, Cultura, Visite Guidate.

On November 2025: Finale Concorso Letterario "il Poeta e il Narratore", presso Auditorium Istituto Kennedy, con entrata libera. Piccolo buffet offerto dall'Associazione Culturale "Amici delle Arti". Telefono cell. 3926517018 (Davide Donato).
On 1-2-3 November 2025: Fiera dei Santi (Fair of All Saints). An event held at the beginning of November whose roots date back centuries to the Middle Ages. It includes the Amusement Park in the fairgrounds, the agricultural market and a vast market that occupies all the streets and squares of the old town center.

On 2025: Various exhibitions of painting, photos and documents, at Villa Pisani (here below), in Riviera Belzoni 22, with free entrance.
Veneto Region, Italy north-east: unique experience & art everywhere. The place for your holiday ..! More images about the area: www.freeitalianphotos.blogspot.com
A printed publication available for free at Tourist Information Offices:
"Padova Today" made a selection of the main events, happenings, monuments, museums, things to see and do. The Tourist Information Offices can give you all the help you need to make your visit to Padova and its province a memorable one. Other details at this link www.turismopadova.it 
Photo Time di Sandro Fogarolo: A special shop for lovers of photography. Fotografia, sviluppo e stampa (anche da allegati in pdf), foto per documenti e tessere, servizi fotografici, a prezzi competitivi e concorrenziali (preventivi gratuiti). Qualità e cortesia. Tel. 0429 783462. Monselice, Riviera Belzoni 12.
Children in Via Carrubbio, Monselice (about 1958), Italy north-east:
Falegnameria Gemo Stefano: Artigiano al tuo servizio. Riparazioni e manutenzioni lignee in genere. Installazione, restauro porte e finestre. Consulenze, progetti, infissi e arredamenti. Sopralluogo gratuito con preventivo. Telefono 0429 782292. Monselice, Via XXVIII Aprile 92. https://www.facebook.com/Falegnameria-Gemo-Stefano-1902512646630836/
Relogoweb Design Studio: Realizzazione e progettazione Siti web, Pubblicità/Marketing. Professional Experience of Designing Websites (ask details & prices). Per un preventivo gratuito: cell. 392 729 9372 (Filippo) info@relogoweb.it   Monselice, Via Squero 57 (solo su appuntamento).
Affittacamere Cà Marcello: Locali restaurati, in pieno centro storico. Grazie a Martina per le speciali condizioni. Monselice, Via XXVIII Aprile 54. Telefono 0429 767098  info@affittacamerecamarcello.it  www.affittacamerecamarcello.it

Affittacamere Due Mori: A poca distanza dal centro storico. Grazie a Davide per le speciali condizioni. Monselice, Via Giuseppe Verdi 19. Telefono 0429 1760153  davide@ciaoitalia.it  (pagina Facebook: affittacamere2mori)

CasaLab: Un vero e proprio punto di riferimento nella bassa padovana per le compravendite residenziali di immobili usati tra privati, grazie al titolare e responsabile Davide Rosa. Agenzia di Consulenti Immobiliari, Monselice, Via Cristoforo Colombo 71. Telefono 0429 767302  monselice@casalab.info  www.vendocasaoggi.com
Strategie per vendere casa: Guida pratica alla vendita immobiliare. Soluzioni da applicare e tranelli da evitare per realizzare il miglior prezzo di mercato. Edizione Ottobre 2018 (pagine 306) a cura di Davide Rosa (dal 2014 iscritto al ruolo dei Periti ed esperti della Provincia di Padova, specializzato nel ramo "stima e valutazione di immobili").

La Città dell'Usato: Per vendere e comperare. Agenzia d'Intermediazioni di beni mobili e articoli di ogni genere. Chiunque può portare e lasciare in esposizione presso il nostro centro qualsiasi articolo a condizioni da stabilire con la Direzione. Nello stesso modo chiunque può acquistare la merce esposta. Monselice, Via Ca'Oddo 34/P, Telefono 0429 700105. www.cittadellusatomonselice.it

Transportation: The nearest airport is Venice (VCE), 60 kilometres away. Monselice is well connected to the major towns of Padua, Venice, Florence, and Mantua.
Living and discovering the Euganean: Food & wine, current events & festivals, nature & territory. More at this link www.euganeamente.it 
Postage stamps are art & culture ..! Why should young people care about stamps..? Education, adventure, fun, passion, etc. Can you help ..? Wanted used postage stamps for philately promotion to kids (stamp collecting offers a world of interest). All kinds, in duplicates, on paper, are welcome. This is a permanent appeal, so stamps can be sent at any time of the year. When you receive a letter or postcard or package please collect the stamps. Your support at my project is essential. Thank you. Ask gift-offer or visit the site at https://italyfreegift.wordpress.com
Suggestions to stamp collecting. How do you start collecting postage stamps..? Where to get used stamps from..? It's easy. You can save the stamps from the envelopes & postcards that comes to your place. You can ask your friends and relatives to save the stamps from their mail for you. The one thing I must ask is if stamps could be left on the envelope and cut off leaving about two cm of paper surrounding the stamp, to prevent damage. Trim the excess from around the stamp, but be careful not to cut the stamp. Never pull the stamps from the paper. Thank you.
About me. Hi, greetings, and welcome to my blog. Let me introduce about myself. My name is Roberto Bortolotto, and I live in Monselice, just south of Padova, Italy. Arts and entertainment are my passion and I especially love tourism, philately & postal history, photography, museums. I can help with whatever you need regarding my area, as public transportation, language, accomodation, lowest cost, etc. Learn italian..! In Italy, with a local italian, and for free..! Have questions or ideas to better this blog..? Thanks for your message, and please use my personal address: roberto88264@yahoo.it  Thanks for reading and be sure to take advantage of my free service.
Attenzione: prego i residenti in Italia di visitare il mio sito con l'offerta di libri gratis www.francobollicerco.blogspot.com
Below, Michelangelo art on 1961 italian postage stamp.
Here, my Facebook page: